Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Flaring Tempers Best Soothed With Calm Response

Getting mad generally doesn’t do any good.

Many people get upset at the slightest aggravation, and start hollering, cussing, stomping, pounding, criticizing, blaming and sometimes shaking all over with face, ears, eyes, nose and maybe the rest of their body inflamed with rage and in a temper tantrum.

While we’ve never gone to that extreme, like many at a younger age, our ire could easily rise during the first few decades of our life. Whenever the slightest agitation arose, we’d start yelling and “saying the Lord’s name in vain,” without cease. It was apparent to everyone, except us, evidently, that we were making a real fool of ourself.

It wasn’t helping anything, except raising our blood pressure unnecessarily, and made everyone around uncomfortable as well. Sometimes, it seems quickness to anger occurs more frequently and to greater extreme with younger people. Maturity typically will moderate rage, but there are those who never seem to learn the needlessness.

Unintentionally, on more than one occasion, we’ve angered others. We’ve always been more of a lover than a fighter, but in those situations the ones upset with us seemed ready to raise arms in defense of their discontent. Looking back, we still don’t understand what we did, or what might have been done differently, to prevent the annoyance.

Tempers seem to flare quite readily, it seems, when a limited crew is working large numbers of uncooperative livestock in a short time span. Situation is heightened when facilities and equipment are inadequate, as well. In reflection, those times brought out our greatest irritability in yesteryears. While the fury can still rise, it’s pretty tough to get us too upset these days.

Animals are like people to a certain extent. Some horses, cattle, hogs, dogs and cats, to list our familiarities, can really get irritated by the slightest displeasure. What will annoy one will have no effect on another. Certain horses will paw, kick, bite, fight, and, with eyes glaring, do about anything imaginable when they are mad.

Handlers who respond to the fire with their own bad humor generally make the situation worse. Never should displeasure be handled with more of the same, whether it be person or animal. Calm, collected, sincere response with few exceptions will salve the irritation, although it’s usually not immediate by any means.

Yet, in retrospect, experts in the mental health field claim there is sometimes a need to vent irritability instead of forever keeping it within. Getting bad feelings out in the open can help prevent inner physical and mental damage, research has indicated.

Sound advice is offered in Ephesians 4:31: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.”

Be especially thankful for that promise in Numbers 14:18: “The Lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion.”


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