Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

School Days Good Times

Some contend no use lingering, yet remiss not to reflect more lifetime happenings.

Those following earlier writing about Gordon Morrison have their memories.

Several shared recollections at his 90th birthday party, but personal times keep coming to mind.

 First remember delivering groceries to Mr. Morrison’s home and to his in-laws Glen and Clara Maude by Elm Creek.

Then think about him wearing felt stockman’s hat slipping into the grocery store backdoor borrowing eggs. He’d get a 30-dozen crate for vo-ag students to practice candling for poultry competitions.

Of course, FFA entry in the homecoming parade made heartbeat skip. It was a horse built from a barrel that bucked with hydraulic lift power of an Allis tractor.

An FFA member, once Dennis Taylor with yellow shirt, blue scarf, mounted waving above the “FFA Bucks To Victory” sign.

Mr. Morrison taught Sunday School for decades but not all seventh and eighth graders learned their required Bible verses.

Old Army barracks shop and classroom didn’t meet safety codes yet with right instructor served purpose well.

Freshman class totaled a dozen; all farm kids, except one grocery store carryout wannabe cowboy. Everything agriculture was such taught farming almost got into the genes.

Chicken judging teams were teacher’s forte first place. Champions in every other category, too, at some point, highlighted by land judging, public speaking and leadership. District livestock judging contest was hosted at Moxley Hall Herefords many years.

Student-built hog feeding floors plus clearing brush from blinded road corners rated national cooperative activities and safety awards.

All combined made the best chapter in Kansas earning countrywide envy.

Shenanigans at annual Lake Wabaunsee campout highlighted when Eskridge flint rock hillside insignia rearranged after midnight.

One ornery class moved classroom-to-shop steps so teacher went tumbling when running out to check their well-planned-safely-coordinated explosion.

During hands-on-learning pig castration students were always teacher taunted to prove manliness consuming raw mountain oysters.

At the FFA rodeo, eager to try roping, Mr. Morrison mounted Peppy Creek. But, teacher was left behind when champion stallion lunged after the steer; onlookers grinning 50 years later.

Dinner bell rang; class ran across the alley behind teacher, pant legs half-tucked in boots, and into the lunchroom backdoor. Rest of the school never looked up knowing “It’s those farmers.”

Reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:14:  “Enjoy and remember the good times.”



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