Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Solutions Come Through Patience

Patience is the key to most problems.

Likewise, impatience is the reason for many dilemmas.

There are those persons who used to agitate us for their high degree of tolerance. To us, they were just too slow getting anything done. Looking back, in reality, their  fortitude prevented them from repeating the task. Persistence got the job finished without mishap.

Almost the opposite, typically we were on the run, stomping, ranting and raving to get that chore done and on to the next assignment. Yet, frequently something would break, jam or not work, largely due to our pressuring instead of continuing endurance.

It’s in the genes, as some people are relentless in completing their mission whatever it is to be done. Others are always annoyed when there’s no real reason to be. Those are
often the ones tapping their toes and fingers whenever waiting on anything, or histling, singing or humming off-key with a nervous beat, or worst of all popping their knuckles.

Actually, our staying power has generally been unending, despite the repetition of mission because of rashness. Sometimes, the hour job would take multiples of that, but we’d generally keep going until the duty was completed.

For some reason, there has become a preconceived notion, certainly with old school horse owners, that young horses ought to be trained in a month, 30 days. Wherever that number came from, we don’t know. Maybe it’s because a month is easier to figure at pay-up time. Horses are smart, but we don’t really think they can count time.

Our contention has always been that every individual animal is different and what might be a day to one horse may be the same as three, a week or longer to another. Consequently, we’ve always charged by the day, and never felt comfortable taking a horse for a set one-month training period.

It is a fact that some horses need less than that, and others might need several times more. We have taken horses for as little as three days of starting training and gotten
along well, but that is the rare exception. The best assignment for all concerned is working at a steady forward effort on a daily basis, and letting the horse tell us our progress.

Perseverance is the most important thing, and despite our record of eagerness in our assignments of earlier years, we have found our fortitude with horses has become an asset. We still might become edgy in certain endeavors, but seldom does that carryover to our horse handling.

Whenever we’ve been edgy working with a horse, that’s when trouble begins. They can feel the slightest bit of anxiety, and respond accordingly. There are many opinions on horse handling, but patience is the most important of all.

Likewise, that is the promise in Revelation 3:10: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the entire world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”


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