Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Love For Children Eternal

“Caring for all children, even as part of her own family, yet set in her ways to always do what was right in her heart, while foremost loving God, she was the toughest woman we’ve ever known.”

Likely run-on grammatically incorrect, so be it, that is the only way we can accurately, concisely recognize passing of our inspirational hero.

Always a country girl at heart, Karen Ruth Meyers knew the city life, but never strayed from country roots in everything and all ways. Acquainted four decades, our children were classmates; it was serving together on a foundation board our appreciation for her “ways” were truly realized.

From the kitchen to the barnyard, 4-H club work was important from early childhood developing desire to help others in all things, especially children.

Upon marriage to Earl the love of her life, Karen lived in the city, but the couple soon returned to their homeland where family grew.

Not only did Karen and Earl have their own daughters, but Karen served as one of the first now-common classroom assistants. They became leaders in the community 4-H club, where their daughters excelled, with no parental partiality given.

Love for children extended further as their older daughters neared maturity. The couple had foster children, adopting two additional daughters, with never ceasing feelings, only encompassed deeper, along with certain challenges.

Extended ill health of Earl brought Karen’s even deeper love, extended further upon his passing, and demands of caring for her namesake mother Ruth.

When her daughters’ families grew, Karen became her grandchildren’s biggest supporters in all things good, to the extent of moving to live in their community.

Never shirking a fair share of life’s hardships, Karen’s strength abounded when disease inflicted. Pleasant optimism further revolutionized, never missing involvement; even blizzards no deterrent.

Of all Karen’s attributes, strongest was unyielding determination to do “right.” Still, when reasoning justified alteration, with consensus of heart, Karen revised, certainly not faltering set cause.

Dual services filled Karen’s city and country churches as Pastor Chad’s eulogy most appropriately revealed verification of the ultimate strength provided by Karen’s faith in God.

Reminds us of Mark 10:15: “Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, she shall not enter therein.” Karen lives eternally with all God’s children.



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