Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Powers Of Floodwaters Devastating

“It’s better to have too much rain than the opposite.”

That’s the comment heard reflecting dry conditions of a year ago compared to now.

Obviously local opinion is legitimately countered with disagreement from those suffering irreplaceable, financially devastating flood damages.

Deepest heartfelt condolences are expressed to those experiencing terribly dramatic forever life altering acts of nature.

Vastness of loss remains incomprehensible to outsiders despite vivid news coverage of extensive flooding horridness.

Worst loss is human lives taken by uncontrollable, no escaping raging high waters.

Everybody in the nearby flooding region has been lifetime diversely harmed. Farms of generations destroyed never to be replaced. Richest soils of the world were stolen by rampant overflowing.

Entire livestock operations morbidly were taken with no reprieve despite distinct natural instinct and owner-operator management assisting tactics.

Even with government programs and broadest generous financial assistance, life as was never again, no matter how evaluated.

Money cannot buy what has been lost. No way to start over, begin again. Life goes on in an entirely different direction, never expected or imagined in the scariest dream.

No actual semblance, yet cowboys are experiencing dilemmas with local flooding now, too.

Its grass time in the Flint Hills as brown and black pastures turn green while gaunt cattle wander.

Trails become apparent as newcomers intently checkout borderlines in the strange environment quite often many states away from origin.

Time takes toll grassland fencing requiring annual spring going over to help keep incoming residents where they’re spending the summer. That’s stapling up down barbed wire, stretching loose fence, replacing burned posts and other fixing.

All “flood gaps,” that’s creeks, ditches, pasture draws must be adequately fenced so critters don’t go under or through.

Now that’s a college engineer’s major thesis or more likely hundreds of them considering unique construction of floodgates.

Every lowland opening by nature’s intent is completely different consequently every floodgate is designed almost entirely distinctive of another.

With heavy downpours rain flows most abundantly with flash flooding taking water gaps out as it gushes down steam.

Cattle always find the fence holes and get out before cowboys even realize there’s a problem. It’s a constant wet weather chore making those repairs even with cowboy’s preference of rain rather than drought.

Reminded of Genesis 9:11: “Never again will everything be destroyed by floodwaters.”    



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