Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Foggy Days Deserve Respect

“Visibility zero.” “Visibility one-eighth mile.” “Visibility one-quarter mile.”

Any of those forecasts are time for alert. Actually best just stay home until the report changes.

A quarter-of-a-mile allows some vision, but one-eighth is treacherous.

Zero visibility means there’s no way to see. Like the dark of night with cloud cover, no moon, no stars.

A person can’t see anything period. It’s essential to stay off the highway for personal safety and well-being of any dumb one driving in the fog.

Needing to fill up with gas before heading to work, turned right to town roadway ahead could hardly be seen. Not very far.

By the time came out of town heading north, there was fog, but could see enough to feel safe.

Next morning, another group of cows and calves to work before grass, crew was to be ready at 8 o’clock. Barely seeing the road, arrived in ample time, but the gate couldn’t be seen let alone any cows with calves.

Starting time delayed an hour, and it was still foggy, as cowboys’ horseback headed east to gather the pairs. Somehow everyone was accounted for when the makeshift panel corral gate closed.

Wasn’t long before sun was shining bright no inkling that one could barely see minutes earlier.

Whenever the fog is that bad, can’t help but remember many years ago driving to Concordia for a farm show. It was foggy for sure, but driving slow carefully, wasn’t worried about hazards.

It was clear enough to notice a seed salesman’s sign at one gravel road going east. Thought about having several telephone conversations with the farmer, one time in the previous week.

Got back to the ranch that night and turned WIBW Radio News on. Headline story: “Aurora farmer killed from crash with semi-truck in dense fog.”

The accident had occurred just minutes after passing that farmer’s driveway. Fog was such our friend couldn’t see and pulled out in front of the oncoming truck causing the fatal wreck.

That certainly left a lifetime impression about the seriousness of driving in fog. Easily it could have been a young farm newsman with his farmer friend in the mortal collision.

Reminded of Isaiah 18:4: “For the Lord has said I will be quiet and watch like a cloud of fog in the heat of gathering time.”



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