Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Those Were Good Times

“Everybody is so old.” “Who is that old woman over there?” “That old man looks familiar, but he’s older than he used to be.”

Well, semblances of those comments were whispered more than a couple of times. Yet, the words went through minds much more often.

“Are these really the golden years?” That was the most frequent sounded question.

Ok, it was a golden party, the 50th high school reunion. Everybody there was still alive since walking across the Ole CG High stage with a sheepskin in 1969.

Not all of the diploma recipients of graduation day for the largest class ever at that time attended. Less than 40 percent of the 100 members were there, some traveling halfway across the country.

Saddest part of the first event of the three-day celebration was that 20 classmates have gone to the great beyond. They were solemnly memorialized with inner thoughts of each as they looked 50 years ago.

Half a century is a long time, longer than some who passed lived. Yet, it was like only yesterday when memories of high school days were recalled.

Remember the twins’ car? What teacher liked certain girls only on the front row? Who was it who ran through psychology class that day? How many jumped out of the biology room window?

Answers to all came out from several sources verifying likelihood and dang good memories for a roomful of old folks.

Nobody was frowning, grins, smirks, laughter abound; everybody felt 50 years younger. Maybe looking a little less mature too, somewhat more recognizable.

Then each was asked to reveal who they were and what they’d been doing all this time since last together.

A handful nearly matched the prophecy five decades ago while others sure were busy from one thing to the next.

Applause arose during nearly every life reflection, but seemed loudest for those married longest. There were couples who began right after graduation never changing. Switching of partners was common too; even several times, but very happy now.

Professions had typically been broad spread, yet some still were in their first job.

It was a fun time.  Plans are being made for the 100th, with the 55th first.

Reminded of Philippians 1:26: “You can start looking forward to a great reunion when I come visit you again.”



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