Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Americans Today Face ‘Inability To Know Right From Wrong’

Discernment has numerous synonyms and several dictionary meanings which most people have no idea about.

In its simplest definition, discernment is “nothing more than the ability to decide between truth and error, right and wrong.”

Discernment is the process of making careful distinctions in thinking about truth. In other words, the ability to think with discernment is synonymous with an ability to think biblically

Facing that disillusioning concern Roland A. Guerrero. El Pasco, Texas, has written his book “The Lost Art Of Discernment.”

According to the author, “Americans today face the inability to know right from wrong.”

With background in retreat ministry. Guerrero uses insights gained from spiritual direction and counseling to shed light on fundamental social conflicts.

Always admitting personal prejudices related to upbringing, faith, family, and life’s experience, Guerrero pulls no punches in his writing.

Truth and trust are lacking today, according to Guerrero, yet he still trusts in principles set forth by the U.S. Constitution.

“What is the truth? Who can you trust?” the writer questions.

“People wonder who they are and how they should relate to issues facing the world today,” Guerrero points out.

A pacifist believing war and violence are unjustifiable, Guerrero declares the importance of listening to and studying all opinions.

“One can be influenced by manipulation of their fears,” he insists. “Doing nothing without expressing opinion is not an option.”

Importance of humility, openness, compassion, and developing a healthy yet critical consciousness is emphasized.

Abortion, racial issues, segregation, gun control, bisexuality, transgender people, and more are explored.

Each chapter is opened with an introductory quote from a distinguished person or a Bible verse relating to the topic at hand.

Within the 171-pages, Guerrero often sets a premise for an inferred statement then presents a perspective expressing his point of view.

Frequently relating to faith, beliefs, and religions, Guerrero is a lifetime devout Catholic not sparing criticism for the church attitudes.

“To heal divisions, consider the argument of others, asking the right questions while giving mutual respect for different views,” Guerrero advises.

Get your copy of the book HERE.

“The Lost Art Of Discernment” can be acquired through Haylee Elmore at Lavidge Publicity in Phoenix, Arizona.

Frank J. Buchman
Alta Vista, Kansas

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