Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Historical Christian Women Devoted To Serving All God’s People

Frequently pushed aside ignored women are equals and beyond serving in spreading God’s words for salvation.

Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg testifies that in her “Our Church Mothers” book featuring women serving their savior at “Crossroads in History.”

Written in first person through letters, the inspirational book shares seven women’s unrelenting devotion to spreading God’s word to the world.

Some familiar to most, others likely never even heard about, their life endeavors are the same. First love for God and their meaningful ways to increase awareness of His offerings to all mankind.

Included are Judge Deborah, Mary of Nazareth, St. Clare of Assisi, Katharina Luther, Susanna Wesley, Catherine Booth, and Mother Teresa.

Living in different countries, centuries, and cultures, the women were each dedicated to serve human needs in God’s particular way.

Speaking different languages and with different levels of education, the women were alike working to improve others’ lives through God.

Extensive research has been done on the “Church Mothers” by Rev. Ehrenborg who presents public plays about each woman.

Collaborating with their spouses or co-laborers, they each have overcome tremendous challenges to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Perhaps most familiar to modernists, Mother Teresa of Calcutta likely best summarizes efforts of all seven women.

Reluctantly accepting the Nobel Peace Prize only in the name of poor and suffering Mother Teresa’s recognition expanded her God’s service.

She followed the mandate of Jesus Christ unifying the Ten Commandments down to only two.

Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg

“Love the Lord your God with all our heart and with your soul and with all your mind.”

“Love your Neighbor as yourself.”

Proclaimed in writings and worldwide public speaking, Mother Teresa echoed humbled heartfelt advice of the author and the women servants.

“Become a friend of Jesus. This if my prayer for you. Begin at home. Love Jesus. Love Jesus in People.”

Get your copy of the book HERE.

Additional information is available from Taylor Moralez, Lavidge Publicity,, or the author Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg,


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