Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Historical Support Verifies Bible Scriptures Are The Word Of God

“I couldn’t find that verse in the Bible?”

When quoting Scripture to others who are serious about verifying what is said, they frequently make such comment.

It is true that certain ways in which Scripture is written varies widely in different versions of the Bible.

According to Wycliffe Global Alliance, as of 2022, all of the Bible has been translated into 724 languages.

Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin

The New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,617 languages. Smaller portions of the Bible have been translated into 1,248 other languages. Thus, at least some portions of the Bible have been translated into 3,589 languages

Translations originated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Early translators rendered texts into Latin, Gothic, and Slavonic languages among others.

Latin Vulgate version was dominant in Western Christianity during the Middle Ages. Since then, the Bible has been translated in many more languages.

The Bible is the most translated book in the world. “Textual variants in the Bible include errors, omissions, additions, changes, and alternate translations,” it must be emphasized.

Certain paraphrases of the Bible try to convey the original meaning in contemporary language. The further away one gets from word for word translation, the easier text becomes to read relying on the translator. Yet, as one gets closer to a word for word translation, the text becomes more difficult for lay readers.

Some translations of the Bible, produced by single churches, may be seen as subject to a point of view by the translation committee.

So, author Jimmy Akin has attempted answering concerns and questioning why specific Scripture wording is “not in the Bible.”

Akin’s writing, “The Bible Is A Catholic Book,” title alone offends many “most religious” of quite widely varied church denominations.

Thus, Akin attempts to pacify the contradicting criticizing rants explaining through dedicated research the true Bible history.

His book is long and very difficult to read most sophisticated writing demanding serious concentration to get through 170-pages. Yet, with motivation and taking the time, the history is worth effort to better understand and appreciate the true Bible.

Obviously, according to Akin’s opening comment, “The Bible can be intimidating. It’s a big thick book, much longer than most books people read.” Considerably longer than author Akin’s book authenticating the Bible.

The Bible is ancient, that’s very “old.” Disregarding all the translations reviewed, “The most recent part of the Bible was penned almost 2,000 years ago,” Akin emphasized.

“The fact that it was written so long ago testifies to its timeless message. Its teachings aren’t tied to just one time or culture,” Akin stated.

Together the Old Testament and the New Testament make up the Holy Bible.

The Old Testament contains sacred Scriptures of the Jewish faith, while the New Testament is fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies.

There were no computers, no typewriters, no printing presses, no paper, ink, pens, or pencils when the Bible began.

God’s Word came from the Holy Spirit and was presented to people by word of mouth. Obviously, that was the beginning of varying translations as what evangelists said always varied somewhat from one to the next.

Thus, the importance of following tradition. Not everything can be found in text but by following what has been done through generations.

Then methods of permanent recording were used with artwork and writing on stones, cow hides, other forms of nature. Through decades they deteriorated and had to be translated again always with variations.

Most importantly, the true meaning Scripture in the Bible has always been retained as wording has changed constantly throughout time.

Scholars debate exact chronology of Biblical events. However according to Akin’s research the Old Testament period was from the life of Abraham 2000s BC (before Christ), through Herold the great king in Jerusalem, 30 BC.

The New Testament period begins just before Jesus was born and through his life and afterward to 73.

Later history of the Bible goes from the year 382 to late in the past century. An appendix in the back of the book details the chronology of Biblical events.

“In the beginning was the Word which the book of Genesis sets the record straight,” Akins said. “The world was not produced by a multitude of finite gods. It was the creation of a single great God, one supreme and supremely good Being who is behind everything.”

While the Bible is important the word of God is not confined to or only found in it. “First and foremost, Jesus Christ himself is the Word of God. There are other expressions of it, only some of which are found in Scripture,” Akin clarified.

“In careful preservation over centuries, origins, formulation, mysteries, and truths of the Bible remain unchanged,” Akin stated. “Scripture comes from God for salvation of the world.”

A glossary and endnotes accompany the book to help define words, clarify Scripture, and bring more meaning to Akin’s work.

Jimmy Akin has done considerable Bible research and is a demanded theology speaker who can be contacted personally through The Bible Is A Catholic Book is readily available in audio and various print forms on the internet.

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