Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Tips For Low Stress Cattle Handling

Cattle producers have long recognized and fulfilled the need to properly care for livestock.

Sound care and handling practices based on years of experience impact the well-being of cattle, individual health, and herd productivity.

Most cattle are raised in very diverse environments and geographic locations. “One specific set of production practices will not work for all cattle producers,” said Bob LeValley, Oklahoma Beef Quality Assurance Coordinator.

However, personal experience, program principles, and professional judgement serve as valuable resources for proper animal handling and care.

Knowledge of animal behavior can help facilitate proper animal handling to the benefit of both the handler and the livestock.

Farmers with knowledge of vision characteristics of cattle can help direct movement.

Due to the location of their eyes, cattle have a wide-angle field of vision more than 300-degrees. This means they have a narrow blind spot which is directly behind them.

But cattle can see some colors and can distinguish between individuals or objects based on shape. Cattle also tend to move from dark areas to lighter areas, provided the light is not glaring. This can make shadows appear extreme to cattle.

Sound care and handling practices based on years of experience impact the well-being of cattle, individual health, and herd productivity.

LeValley suggested better handling vision-related behaviors in cattle:

Keep in visual contact with other cattle.

Try to ensure loading ramps and handling chutes are designed to minimize the animals seeing distractions outside of the working area. If cattle can see moving objects and people through the sides, it may impede their movement forward.

Check for chains, backstops, dogs, or people distractions if cattle are not moving readily through the alley or chute.

It may help to make sure the area where cattle are moving into is adequately lit.

Paint the handling facilities a single uniform color because cattle may balk at a sudden change in color.

Cattle have a wider range of hearing than most humans. However, they can locate the source of sound as well as human hearing allows.

They are sensitive to high frequency sounds. Loud noises in working facilities should be avoided, but a small amount of noise can assist in moving livestock.

Noisy gates and other equipment can cause cattle to balk and resist moving forward.

Producers have long been aware that proper handling management will reduce stress and behavior related issues.

Improper handling that does not consider animal behavior may lower conception rates, reduce immune and rumen function, increase other health problems, cause excessive shrink, and bruising.

Farmers should instruct employees of expectations for low stress cattle handling techniques.


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