“It is possible to know about God but not know him?”
What a confusing statement which pastor-author Nathan Roberts delves into in the book “Who Do You Think You Are?”
There have been countless sermons on who God is, but few about who we are in God, Roberts pointed out.
The author asks four questions:
Is it possible to know God and not know Him?
Is there a process you can follow to truly know the God you worship?
How can you begin to understand who you are in God?
Why is it so important to hear and obey the voice of God?
“Like Moses, there must be something that draws one up the mountain, a longing that pushes into the great unknown,” Roberts insisted.
He addresses the question “How can you begin to understand who you are in God?”
Roberts provides answers to the questions backed by passages of scripture and history.
“I can feel that most people are struggling with this, but the scripture is always true,” Roberts said.
“We live so far below what we should,” the author contended. “We accept things as true without even asking about them.”
There is only one true God, but people were created in God’s image. “So, we are God’s companion,” Roberts declared.
Jesus said in John 15:16: “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”
It is essential to accept that invitation, or God is being robbed, according to the author.
“By not surrendering to God, you are keeping God from his rightful place,” Taylor said.
“You must answer to God, and your response determines your future,” Taylor summarized.
This book is not an easy read, yet the author connects every chapter to help guide readers’ understanding.
The use of context and narration gives legitimacy to the message the author is conveying to the reader.
Through the book, Roberts retraces his own steps of his spiritual journey so that others can find their special relationship with God like he did.
“Who Do You Think You Are? is available in several forms through various internet sources.
Information can also be found at LAVIDGE Publicity, the book promoter, and the email afletcher@lavidge.com.