Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Near Record Water Shortage

“Water supplies are the shortest in memories of more than seven decades.” Land has been extremely parched several times in that period, but not severe as now.

Better Days Without Computers

A young man asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . . Without computers, without internet connection, without television, without air conditioners, without cars, and without cell phones?”

Payoff Will Eliminate Debt

Incomprehensible the volume of scam calls received in one day let alone a week and month. They are all aggravating with most promising something that is too good to be true.

Square Baler To Nebraska

“It hadn’t been used for a couple of years, so the twine-tie square baler was sold on an internet auction.” Small square bales of hay are a lot of work, but nearly essential for most livestock operations.

‘Old’ Farmer Gives Advice

When a farmer’s wife previously provided advice, a number of readers men and women nodded in general agreement. It seems only fair to let the man of the farm share a lifetime of wisdom, give his two cents worth.

No Place Like Home

“The ranch home is a cowboy’s castle.” While there are various sayings about homes being castles, nothing is more important than a good, safe, secure home.

Purpose For Detour Signs

“Detours are a common aggravation for highway drivers, seemingly more commonplace today than ever.” As much as drivers dread seeing a detour sign and attempting to follow confusing directions, no detour sign is worse.

Grain Bin To Texas

“It hadn’t been used for original purpose in many years and had become a junk catchall.” When moving to the ranch 52 years ago, the what-then-appeared high-quality steel grain bin seemed an asset.

Poison Ivy Causes Misery

“Be careful, that’s poison ivy on the old rotten dead tree you’re cutting down.” Grant Carson stopped his Ford 8N tractor to advise a teenager about hazards of the green leaves encompassing the tree.

Cowboy And Stallion Influences

Most little boys were inspired to become cowboys decades ago when Westerns dominated theatres and television. For the majority it was a passing craze soon forgotten as sports, girls, and other ventures dominated lives.