Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Grocery store backbone of community

“As goes the grocery stores, so goes the small town.” A similar phrase typically relates to a rural community’s schools. There will be survival as long as children come for education, but when those doors close, likely sooner than later, a ghostly appearance follows.

Home’s The Best Place To Dine

“Where are we going to eat?” “We’re going to eat at home.” Many people ask the first question, but few respond  the way we do most of the time.

Caution When The Match Strikes

“Don’t play with matches.” That’s long been the warning about just one strike of a match. Others stressed: “Don’t play with fire,” as there are identical consequences. Wind was brisk, but those brush piles continued to worry us. We grabbed the kitchen matches along with old papers as starting fuel and attempted to start a […]

Majestic deer prairie kings

“Wyatt got a buck. We’re going over to see it.” That note was on the kitchen table as we came in after work. Fortunately, we got there just in time to go along and see the excited fifth grade grandson display his trophy.

Continued Effort Pays Off

There are many things worse than not being able to catch a horse when needed, but that’s a cowboy’s aggravation. Likewise, there’s little more soothing than when the horse nickers, comes trotting in and seems to want to put on his bridle.

Organization Worth The Effort

What happened to that notebook with the birthdates? Where is the picture of that horse? How come the rasp isn’t with those other shoeing-tools? Seemingly nothing is ever where we can readily find it.

Impoliteness Increasingly Commonplace

“Bang:” the telephone receiver was slammed down. Guilty as charged, this time. Ashamed and embarrassed at the action, it was seemingly an uncontrollable response as frustration overcame us from the conversation on the other end of the line.

Personal Conversation Always Best

“It sure is nice to be able to talk to a real person.” Much of our business depends on the telephone, which used to mean finding the number, making the call and hearing “Hello,” after a couple rings. Not that way now. Last Thursday, we called a government agency to see what an old cowboy […]

Faith, Family, Friends and Horses

So sad, yet somehow appropriate timeliness as the phone in our pocket vibrated. Just 10 minutes until rodeo time, but we recognized the voice, and intuition revealed reason for the call.

Deadlines Don’t Mean It’s Done

“Don’t wait until the last minute to do things.” That’s sound advice we’ve heard jillions of times. Despite the best intentions, it often just doesn’t work that way. Consequently, we’re working right up to when a project is due. Even then sometimes, the task is not done, and we must go with whatever we have.