Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

“It’s a dry hole.”

Consequently, Oil Baron will never be our title. Revealing resolution came after diggers made another big mess in one of the lush Flint Hills pastures. Periodically, over the years, land leasers have paid us a buck an acre with the option of drilling for oil. Ground shakers have driven the land to check potential and […]

Happiness Doesn’t Come From Riches

“It’s a dry  hole.” Consequently, Oil Baron will never be our title. Revealing resolution came after diggers made another big mess in one of the lush Flint Hills pastures. Periodically, over the years, land leasers have paid us a buck an acre with the option of drilling   for oil. Ground shakers have driven the […]

Every Individual Is A True Legend

There are far too many untold stories. Everybody has a unique legend. There is no other like it anywhere. While many folks might contend they have never done anything noteworthy, that is not true, because   each life is its own true tale.

Best Time Of Year Depends On Perspective

Autumn is the most beautiful season of the year. That’s a debatable statement. Yet, there are those who agree with us, and we’ve heard that comment several times in recent days.

Self-Control Easier Said Than Done

Fasting is pretty easy. Breaking our fast is what always gets us in trouble. Deciding not to over eat, staying away from unhealthy activities or passing up on purchasing unnecessary things is initially fairly simple. Evidently, we have more strength than some others we know, because they get upset when they’re late for or miss […]

Outcome Always More Important Than Pace

The fast and slow of it is about the same as the long and short of it. Depending on the situation, one is not always better than the other. We’ve thought that for considerable time, and of all places to be reminded of it was Sunday morning on the right hand aisle pew third row […]

This Sure Is A Wonderful Life We Have

“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” It’s depressing to talk to someone who is always complaining? Certain folks seem to only have negative thoughts, and their conversation always centers on them.

Participation Just As Important As Outcome

Somebody has to be second. Majority of people want to be first. There are exceptions, and some really don’t care. They have no concern one way or another. Just “getting by” is sufficient. There are   advantages to such attitudes. Yet, if everybody was always satisfied being equal, as we’ve mentioned before, the world would […]

Petting A Horse Can Be A Really Big Deal

“May I pet your  horse?” “Can I ride your horse.” Perhaps, more accurately instead of being a question, the statement should be: “I sure would like to pet your horse.” Or, “I’d really like to ride your horse.” Whatever,   the wording, we’ve had the questions asked a jillion times. While waiting for a recent […]

Some Opportunities Will Only Come Once

“Just do it.” That’s the best response to most tasks at hand. A number of years ago, it was a common prank so to speak for codgers, for lack of a better  definition, to walk around farm shows and the like with small round wooden   tokens in their pockets. They’d come up to somebody […]