Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Many Of Life’s Pressures Are Irrelevant

Stress is a vicious culprit. Its effects can be incapacitating, even to the point of fatality. Every living being, mammal and plant life alike, is susceptible to stress, though some are more prone than others. On the human side, denial can come into the picture, as certain ones will deny under all circumstances that any […]

Many Of Life’s Pressures Are Irrelevant

Stress is a vicious culprit. Its effects can be incapacitating, even to the point of fatality. Every living being, mammal and plant life alike, is susceptible to stress, though some are more prone than others. On the human side, denial can come into the picture, as certain ones will deny under all circumstances that any […]

Better To Be Early Than Left Behind

Hurry up and wait. That’s a lot of what life is, and we were reminded of that when retracing adventures of three flights and the entire excursion to and back from Oregon where we judged a three-day horse show.

Full Desk Really Means A Busy Cowboy

“A cluttered desk means a cluttered mind.” That old saying has special meaning to us, because whenever we’re working, our desk soon becomes filled with maybe a dozen different projects. Our thinking is literally going in that many directions. When a phone call or another interruption comes, we will forget where we were before, sometimes […]

Good Things With All The Worthless

What is all that stuff on the dashboard of the pickup? Phillips screwdriver, and it won’t fit the regular screw that’s worked its way out. Two calf-pulling chains; that’s one for each back leg, or enough to pull two calves if things get bad enough. But, there is only one puller handle. Purple windshield scraper, […]

What Goes Up Can Come Down

“They won’t make any more land.” That’s a frequent comment during conversations about land values. It is true. However, emphasis of the statement is generally to encourage one to think, because of that fact, it doesn’t matter how much is paid for land.

Body Fractures Result From Tangle With Earth

The ground sure can be hazardous to man and beast. We’ve been reminded of that a number of times, and the realization came home again last week. While bruises and sprains are often the result of falling to the ground, bones can also be broken. Sometimes, it’s not even from landing on the earth, but […]

Safety Always Better Than Bravery And Pride

Rodeo clown could never have been our profession. However, those funny fellows with big red noses, green hats, pink shirts, short baggy jeans with calico suspenders and often track shoes instead of cowboy boots have always been a highlight of our favorite sport. Nowadays, those painted-faced, big-grin ornery ones have changed.

Bad Times Can Still Be Blessings

It was only flat on one side. One could feel  fortunate for that, but flat tires are always a bad deal whenever they occur. Likewise, we actually do feel lucky that ours was after the blizzard. Had our tire decided to become deflated a week earlier, there’s no way we would have been able to […]

The Lost Will Be Found

It was in the parking lot. Our car was exactly where we left it mid-morning, but trying to find the jalopy after dark in the heavy, blowing snow that had been coming down for several hours just about gave us a heart attack, literally.