Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Even Chirping Intruders Have Merits For Some

Invasions of crickets are here. Where they come from, and how they get in, we don’t know. They’re at the garage door, in the mudroom, through the kitchen, into the office and beyond. Not only do they make appearance known by hopping around the rooms, but obvious chirps reveal whereabouts as well.

Time To Reconsider True Meaning of Murder

“You shall not kill.” It is one of the Ten Commandments brought to the people by Moses from God. Besides that, killing is against man-made laws, as well. Yet, people are killed every day, and the murderers sometimes go free, for reasons not necessary to discuss at this point. Many people have been killed, and […]

Solutions Come Through Patience

Patience is the key to most problems. Likewise, impatience is the reason for many dilemmas. There are those persons who used to agitate us for their high degree of tolerance. To us, they were just too slow getting anything done. Looking back, in reality, their  fortitude prevented them from repeating the task. Persistence got the […]

Lack Of Attentiveness Is Costly

Always pay attention. Our teachers started telling us that over five decades ago. It’s still three of the best words of advice anybody can give. Trouble is, many don’t listen, and certainly do not follow it.

Much Worse Itch Than Chiggers

There’s an itch that needs a scratch. That saying has various connotations, but what fits us now is those almost-invisible red grass bugs that are pestering us all over our feet, up our legs and into unspeakable places. Few have ever accused us of being sweet, but there’s some reason for the attraction chiggers have […]

Greater Allergy Concern Than Weeds

It’s that time of the year. Something is in the air, and when it settles in our nostrils, sneezing, itching, watering eyes and running nose are seemingly unbearable and unending irritations.