Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Reliable Diet Best When Feeling Down

Graveyard stew is for sick folks. We ought to know, it’s been our menu for several days. Oh, we weren’t ill, but we just didn’t feel quite right. Always slow and lazy, we have been even more so, though we did get everything done that had to be completed, and all we wanted to do, […]

Commonplace Rudeness Too Often Overlooked

“Get out of the way.” While that’s an obviously disrespectful statement, sometimes it seems manners have gone by the wayside with much of the population. Most serious aspect of it, in our naive and humble opinion, is that in many cases of impoliteness, the wrongdoer doesn’t know any better. They’ve never been taught or even […]

Flaring Tempers Best Soothed With Calm Response

Getting mad generally doesn’t do any good. Many people get upset at the slightest aggravation, and start hollering, cussing, stomping, pounding, criticizing, blaming and sometimes shaking all over with face, ears, eyes, nose and maybe the rest of their body inflamed with rage and in a temper tantrum.

One Home Must Never Be Locked

Locked doors keep people out. That’s their purpose, certainly, and in most circumstances, the lock does prevent invaders. However, if somebody really wants to find out what is behind the closed entry, they’ll find a way inside. Despite security lights and alarm systems of every type, there is a method to get to the other […]

Mail Carriers Really Best Government Has To Offer

Few receive more flak than the Post Office. Ashamed and embarrassed, we are guilty as accused of making snide remarks, as well. “It’s the only Post Office and acts like it, too.” As true as that might be, everyone must agree, despite contradictory comments and sour gut feelings on occasions, service of the United States […]

One Open Gate More Important Than Runaway Horses

“Horses are out.” Seems that’s frequently heard on the telephone, from the back porch, a kitchen window watcher and worst of all in the middle of the night when the front doorbell rings. Chills run down our back as a dash is made to figure how to get the round-up completed before horse, human or […]

Pills Can Be Helpful Or Harmful

Medication is a godsend, yet it must be combined with common sense. Effects of drug use are miraculous to say the least, and not only ease suffering and pain, but cure and heal as well. It is beyond earthly comprehension how such can occur. Researchers take the credit, and it is due to their development, […]

Appreciation Needed In Blizzard Aftermath

Scooping snow is a thankless job. We were reminded of that with the recent blizzard at our place. It may not have been as bad as ones in other places, but the snow was the worst we’ve seen in a quarter of a century. We can only recall this and another of such dire caliber.