Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Overfeeding Starved Horses Can Cause Death

Skinny horses take a long time to recover. Frequently, when somebody sees an extremely malnourished horse, their first thought is to give the animal lots of rich feed. That is just about the worst thing that can be done, despite the intentions being quite humane.

Sun Really Only Changing Position For Amiable Miniature Horse Couple

A farm boy met a city girl at the local co-op, they got hitched, bought a team of Miniature Horses, became renowned breeders-drivers, rode off into the sunset and traded their ranch for a home-on-wheels to travel the world visiting their horses and   friends. That’s it in a  nutshell.

Best Time Of Year Depends On Perspective

Autumn is the most beautiful season of the year. That’s a debatable statement. Yet, there are those who agree with us, and we’ve heard that comment several times in recent days.

Self-Control Easier Said Than Done

Fasting is pretty easy. Breaking our fast is what always gets us in trouble. Deciding not to over eat, staying away from unhealthy activities or passing up on purchasing unnecessary things is initially fairly simple. Evidently, we have more strength than some others we know, because they get upset when they’re late for or miss […]

Extreme Cowboys And Cowgirls Race From All Around The Country

Cowboys and cowgirls from throughout the nation like Western action in an extreme way. Mounted on their best equine friends, a total of 103 Western athletes from 23 states, the nation’s width and depth, participated in the first Extreme Cowboy Race World Championship at Topeka.

Bugs Is That “Once-In-A-Lifetime” Horse For Emporia Family

He’s that one special horse. The Keith Bartley family has owned lots of horses, but one stands out from all of the rest and will forever in their lives. “Bugs is the best horse we’ve ever owned,” described Linda Bartley as she was helping her daughter get ready for college rodeo competition at Alva, Okla.

Free ‘Operation Gelding’ Project Is Effort To Reduce Horse Population

Economic turmoil and a ban on horse slaughter has resulted in a steadily growing number of unwanted horses with owners who are unable to properly care for them. “The unwanted horse population has risen as the cost of purchasing a horse has dropped, but the cost of keeping a horse has stayed the same,” emphasized […]