Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Troops Eat Steaks Courtesy Of Appreciative Cattlemen

Cattlemen love their country and sincerely appreciate those who serve so that freedom will forever continue. That message was stated loud and clear during a recent special steer auction which provided “Steaks For Troops.” The All-American Beef Battalion is an effort by beef producers throughout the country to express appreciation for all armed services forces.

Patience Needed To Appreciate Life As It Comes

“That horse sure is acting up.” Somebody made the remark as we waited in line for the Christmas parade to begin. While the statement wasn’t true, we can understand why an outsider made that analysis. The Wonderful Zane was throwing his head occasionally and sometimes would paw with his feet.

Communication Devices May Not Be So Intelligent

What are “smart phones”? Obviously, they’re better than dumb phones. Advertising abounds for “smart phones” but there is never explanation of how come they are so brilliant. The Christmas homily was even tied to those intelligent communication devices.