Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Charro Tradition Continues Into Fifth Generation For Family Visiting Alma Ranch

“His smile is about as big as his 60-foot-diameter spinning maguey.” That’s one of many appropriate descriptions. Yet, there’s a frequent call-name which turns pleasantry to scowl. Describe Geraldo “Jerry” Diaz as a “rope artist,” and he’ll give a grinning nod. Call him a “trick roper,” and attitude will likely become ire. However, say “Charro […]

Champion Rodeo Rider Is Lead Singer For Cowboy-Band-In-Demand

Doc is a cowboy in every sense of the definition and imagination. Almost immeasurable are Doc Hinck’s cowboy attributes. He’s a champion rodeo rider, cowboy singer, cowboy movie star, fast-draw winner, top marksman, certainly has had his hand in Flint Hills cattle work, and the list goes on…

Ranchers Tell Flint Hills Beef Story At Symphony

“There’s no place like the Flint Hills.” Three “contemporary” ranchers made that emphasis during one of the Ranching in the Flint Hills presentations at the Symphony in the Flint Hills. Mike Beam from the Kansas Livestock Association moderated the speakers on “Ranching Through The Seasons” at the Leet Pasture on a hill west of Bushong […]

Certain Recollections Most Memorable

“Just the thought makes our mouth water.” We keep getting visions in our head days later. No, we’re not talking about a juicy steak and fried potatoes with a cup of coffee, though that tantalizes our taste buds when we say it.

Conversation Okay At Right Time

“Don’t talk.” That order has been directed to us more than any other single command. First recollection was kindergarten when we were supposed to rest on our rugs, and Miss Kala kept insisting: “Don’t talk.”

Sometimes “the good ole days” really weren’t all that good

Hay harvest certainly is that way when we think about how it was done this year, compared to decades gone by. Being a town kid, the first hay harvest we recall was when Dad mowed a small grass lot with an old horse-drawn sickle mower that he pulled with a clunker Allis tractor.