Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Duty Is To Assist Upon Call

Nature always calls at the most inopportune time. “A heifer just had a calf,” the cow-manager hollered as we were pulling up covers for a good night’s rest. Grumpily, but without a word, we tugged our chore-clothes on, and stumbled through the dark frozen clods, dreading thought of carrying that wet, slimy newborn into the […]

Emporia Quarter Horse Breeders Continue Into Fifth Generation

To continue anything for longer than a quarter century isn’t that common. To continue from one generation to another several times isn’t that common. To continue an annual horse production sale for more than three decades is unique. One can count on his hands the number who has achieved that status. Cooper Quarter Horses at […]

Readiness Is Blessing When The Call Comes

“That can’t be right, I just talked to her yesterday morning, and she was fine.” An acquaintance called to inform us that May Morrison, a good friend and wife of our teacher-mentor Gordon Morrison had passed away. We argued in denial that it had to be wrong, and we’d straighten out the  mistake.