Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Helping Hand Conquers Problems

“How’s calving going this winter?” Those unfamiliar with birthing calves out of stock cows likely don’t understand that question.

More Calves To Market

“You need to do a story about Bill’s cowherd; he has a 104 percent calf crop this year.” Nearly 40 years ago another horse breeder friend stopped by and commented about his Chase County neighbor rancher’s cattle operation.

Farm Profitability Speakers Set For​ Emporia Seminar

Answers to agriculture questions for developing plans to improve record book margins are on tap for Emporia. ​ “The second in this year’s series of Farm Profit Seminars is scheduled for Wednesday evening, February 19th,” announced Greg Akagi. ​

Horses Lives Change Too

“Put him out to pasture when his work is done.” It’s a common view about old horses and sadly sometimes similar opinion of retirement age people.