Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Namesake Family Heritage Important

“It sure would be interesting to know more of the family history.” Often that comment is made when children ask about their forefathers. Frequently a similar remark is said upon passing of a relative.

Cowboys Sometimes Have Superstitious Beliefs

“Don’t touch my hat.” A livestock judging teammate demanded that one late Saturday night after a national contest. Without a thought, his black felt hat on the table with crown down had been moved onto the nearby bed.

Trees Provide Cooling Shade

 “I know which shade tree I want.” A horseshow parent made that comment while unfolding three lawn chairs under the biggest tree around the arena. Soon chairs were placed under every one of the nine trees on the show grounds.

Striving For Returned Health

“If you don’t have your health you don’t have anything.” The prominent saying goes in one ear and out the other for many. However, anybody who has had a major health setback knows how precious every second is. Money buys mansions, big cars, delicacy, land and more, but it cannot guarantee health. Those with high […]

Round-Robin Showing All Livestock

“To be the round-robin showmanship champion is the most significant accomplishment at the county fair.” With most local fairs now ended, exhibitors, spectators and families reflect memories of the good, bad, indifferent times experienced.