Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Morris County 4-H Foundation Plans Annual Meeting And Banquet

Annual meeting and recognition banquet for the Morris County 4-H Foundation is Saturday noon, April 30, announced Larry Johnson, foundation president. Open to all members and interested persons, it will be at the Morris County Fair Building, east of Council Grove.

Forever Changing Weather Uncontrollable

“In the spring, I have counted 136 kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” Mark Twain said it originally but the comment has been repeated in wide variations during recent weeks.

Opened Mail Most Suspicious

“Uncle Sam’s horses have evidently been lamed a lot recently, and now their riders can’t read too well either.” Likewise, it’s a wonder tax refunds ever arrive, but interestingly there’s never an issue with past due notices.

Wild West Of EquiFest Draws Bullseye Mounted Shooters From Seven States

Television and movie cowboys need to take lessons for accuracy shooting at bad guys from their running horses. Participants in mounted shooting competitions are sure enough fast and many never miss their target. The wannabe cowboys on the silver screen typically take multiple shots and often still don’t get the outlaws.