Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

New Books Bring Reflections

“Reading is the best way to be informed about the past, present and future while also having a fun time.” Always enjoying reading since learning how more than 65 years ago, newspapers have generally been read the most. However, books have also been a prominent source of reading through the decades taking spurts of frequency. […]

‘Beautiful’ Snow Is Work

“Who said they sure would like to have some snow?” That’s the same one who insisted, “It sure is a pretty snow.”

‘Mary Didn’t Ride Donkey’

“At first obnoxious, the ‘Eeyore’ now heard frequently from the ranch corral is becoming somewhat the norm.” Still Cody the palomino barrel horse in the neighboring pen isn’t so sure he likes the donkey next door. Often, he’ll still lay his ears back and charge toward the long eared rough haired crest necked equine-of-sorts nearby.

Vigilant Agricultural Profitability Outlook Presented By Financiers

 “Cautious optimism prevails for farmers maintaining working capital, following an equipment replacement plan, managing debt and establishing a marketing strategy.” Alan Maxwell and Jack Rickabaugh represented Frontier Farm Credit with that consensus presentation at a Farm Profit Seminar in Ottawa.