Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Hands Require Freeze Protection

“Gloves are about as important winter wear as there is.” Certainly, that was the conclusion last week while doing a story in subfreezing conditions. Oh, we had gloves this time, but it was impossible to keep notes with a pen and pad, and take photographs with them on. Conscious not to wimp out, we insisted […]

Emotionless Healthcare ‘Figures’

“Everybody is just a number.” That’s become obvious as we’ve spent time in healthcare offices. Walking to the receptionists’ counter where heads are hidden behind computers, we expect some acknowledgement, but get none. Clearing our throat obnoxiously, one eye of only one peaks over as all others stay locked to screens. In our typical-forward-cowboy way, […]

Time To Remember Why

’Tis the season… Christmas decorations are in place, lights are shining, music is playing, cards are being sent and received, Santa Claus is seemingly the favorite person of all, but quite fortunately nativity scenes are displayed at many churches, and pleasantly a few additional locales as well.

Junk Pile Creates Room

“If it hasn’t been used in 43 years, then just throw it away.” That was generally our analysis when cleaning out the shop for repairs, electrical hookup and storage of stuff that will be used.

Notification For Changed Ways

“It is a fair warning.” When a bump showed up on our forehead a decade-plus ago, the secretary of one of our organizations advised us to get it checked. Contrary to our typical disposition, we followed directions, and looking back it was good advice that fortunately was followed. However, diagnosis from the examination was far from […]

Roofing Aftermath Curable Problem

“There are nails everywhere.” That statement has been repeated seemingly dozens of  times over the past several weeks. Then, there’s usually a follow-up comment: “I picked up ten nails today.” An accumulation on the back porch verifies the nail pickup, and a five-gallon bucket has a lot of nails in it, too.

Horn Made Mommy Happy

“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” When the fourth graders in band struck up that tune during the Veterans Day program, we couldn’t help but smile. Then, we applauded loudest when players tongued the tune’s final notes.

Annual Gathering Brings Submission

“It was another wild horse roundup.” Bureau of Land Management roundups of mustangs from government rangelands have received considerable media coverage of which we were reminded as gathering our mares and foals from summer pasture.

Quality important over quantity

“A cowboy just can’t have too many good horses.” “But, what does he do with them all?” is the quickly responding query. “Just feed ’em, clean up after ’em and always know there’s a good one in the pen upon need,” answer is. All seems like an obvious equation, but anyone in the horse business […]

‘Just Show Up For Work’

“Nobody wants to work anymore.” Every day, we hear somebody make that statement. The unemployment figures announced regularly always indicate many people don’t have work. Yet, help wanted advertising is everywhere. Some claim they’re overqualified, or they’re underqualified. Others are too old, or too young, and excuses go on and on.