Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Speaking Softer Always Better

“Don’t holler.”

That order, actually meant as a special request, takes on special significance for those who have booming voiced acquaintances.

Fact is some people just naturally come across in a more piercing manner. They really don’t intend to seem bossy, obnoxious or an abusive authority.

Sometimes despite diligent efforts to pipe down, changing the instinctive form of communication is nearly impossible. Oh, if one really concentrates on being softer spoken, there can be noticeable change for a time.

Yet, when pressure comes suddenly, excitement arises, adrenalin flows fast, there’s always that instinctive brash call.

Mom was in personal bias one of the most generous, kind hearted human beings ever created. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for somebody in need or seeking assistance in every special way.

Still, Mom was always somewhat high-pitched in most normal conversation. That itself offended certain ones, while vast numbers of friends and customers appreciated her unique, yet actually quite sweet mannerism.

But, be a grocery employee, especially a carryout boy, not necessarily a son, too, “that scream” sure wasn’t pleasing.

There are many things expected of workers in a small hometown family grocery. Doing everything there is to help all departments, sweep, wash windows, stock shelves, wait on customers, sack and carryout.

While the store was small compared to most of today’s supermarkets, two two-story, buildings were combined for the business. Mom was always at the front greeting, helping customers and tallying the purchases.

When groceries were ready to carry out, assistance was needed right now not a second later. The deafening shout from the cash register operator was aired.

Whether it was for Frank, or Alvin, or even sometimes Clarence (Dad), the immediate summons still wasn’t always audible. Especially in the far north upstairs storage room, but there was sure no sense trying to ignore it.

A fancy buzzer system was installed at one point, so when Mom needed help, she was to push the button. That almost worked for a few times, but it’s impossible to change old ways.

The only method Mom really knew to get assistance was keep yelling until somebody came, and they always did.

Problem is that forceful outgoing voice carried to the next generation. Not hollering, just talking loud.

Reminded of Isaiah 40:1: “Speak softly and tenderly, yet make it clear.”  



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