Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Day For New Pastures Has Arrived

Grass time is here. Some of those ole cows think it’s been this calendar date for the past three weeks. Winter stomping grounds are out of feed, other than what’s hauled in, but it sure has been luscious right through the fence. Once the old hay is licked up, or just scavenged for the best […]

Calving Is Miracle Despite Tribulations

Birthing is still the greatest of all miracles. While it may be the most common and longest existing of all phenomena, the act of giving birth, whatever the species, is still incomprehensible to us. In our humble opinion, it can realistically and most simply only be considered a true act of God.

Range Fires Assist Nature’s Grass Plan

Smoke is in the air. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. The haze and smell we’re experiencing is the annual spring Flint Hills burn. Blazes started a month ago in the south and will continue for the next two weeks. Still a little controversy about merits of singeing grazing land, but most admit firing pastures is […]

Dawdling Is Treacherous Wastefulness

Putting off until later what we could be doing now is a forever lost opportunity. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and 10,080 in a week. That may seem like a large number, but once they pass, those minutes are gone forever. We will never have the opportunity to do in that minute what […]

Life Is In Our Hands

Hands tell many stories. Our hands are needed for lots of things we do, and they can reveal a great deal about a person. Big hands, small hands, medium-sized hands: all are uniquely different. Long, skinny fingers, short-stubby fingers, badly deformed arthritic fingers, ordinary fingers: all similar yet individual. Like fingerprints, no two hands are […]