Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Family entertaining is labor of love

“It’s just one great big happy family.” And, it’s sure a lot more than “just a dog and pony show.” Certainly, one could think about “running off and joining the circus.” When the circus came to town, we were there early to make sure we had one of the best seats  under the big top.

Reprieve from invaders

“Cockleburs can take over the farm.” Dad said that more than once as he leaned over to pull a six-inch weed intruding on the pasture where we kept our horse as a kid. It didn’t sink in then, but decades later, like most things Dad told us, we are constantly reminded that weeds of many […]

Hippie the Clown entertains crowds from barrel and in rodeo arena

This Hippie is a real clown. While that might sound like a pun, there’s truth to it, even though these days Wesley Engelkes often looks more like a clown than he does a hippie. Actually, he’s cowboy turned bull rider ,turned clown and bull fighter, now preferring to be called an “entertainer.”