Frank J. Buchman

Cowboy • Horseman • Writer

Intelligence Comes From Learning

“He’s smart, but he just doesn’t know anything.” If there ever was a contradictory statement, that is one. We heard the comment recently as a horse breeder was promoting one of his production for sale to a prospective customer.

Everybody Appreciates Relaxing Lifestyle

“People and horses, we like ’em both.” It might be obvious, but we hadn’t really thought much about such until recently. Several times, we made the comment while giving surrey rides at a 150th anniversary church celebration.

Finding The Lost Is Most Important

Finding a needle in a haystack is almost an impossible task. That’s about the same as locating a 900-pound steer in an 1,800-acre Flint Hills pasture. Timber in the draws makes the job more difficult, and that’s where the cantankerous critters went when they didn’t want to follow the other 400 head that walked right […]

Does ‘Achoo’ Always Call For A Blessing?

“Always say ‘Bless You’ when you hear somebody sneeze.” That’s one of the “good living rules” suggested in a recent e-mail. It’s a congenial sentiment many express, as a well wishing when we’re forced to “achoo.”

Blessings Come In Disguise

Life is full of excitement. Yet, it could only happen to a old cowboy. The computer showed a complicated route over a toll road, while the roadmap indicated it was a straight shot through rural communities.

Generosity Must Be Guided By Conscience

NEED GAS That was the sign an attractive young woman was holding when we passed a Lawrence filling station. The next day, we were at a city department store when a skinny fellow walked up to us out of the blue: “Would you give me a dollar for gas?” We truthfully replied that we didn’t […]

Increase Can Be Bad And Good

Multiplying has its pros and cons. It’s the same as what some call the domino theory, when after setting a jillion dominoes in a slant formation, one is pushed to fall and all the others follow. That is the negative aspect of the equation, which we’ve been reminded about since the recent rains. But, there […]

Appearance Only On The Outside

“Pretty is as pretty does.” We’ve trained several driving horses, but we’ve never had one exactly like we want. That is the color, looks, ability and disposition to pull a vehicle whenever we desired without any hassle.

Cool Temperatures Not Always Important

“We decided to stay home with the air conditioner instead.” That’s the response heard several times when we asked others why they weren’t at a horse show. Those who thought it was too hot will likely be the same ones who think it’s too cold when the thermometer drops to 32.

Heavy Throttle Not The Best Way

Ole Leadfoot sure is going slow. That’s the way it seems now as everybody passes us while we make a daily commute for our job. Traffic speed has far surpassed posted limits for some time. Increased number on signs since the first of July has expanded driver pace further.